About Us
Curl Moose Jaw In One Sentence:
Curl Moose Jaw will be “The Booster Club” of The Moose Jaw Curling Centre.
Curl Moose Jaw Mandate:
Utilize proceeds from Curl Moose Jaw to promote and develop youth curling and curling in Moose Jaw, assist in capital improvements, equipment for the curling facility and provide the funding requirements for hosting future SCA and CCA affiliated events. Curl Moose Jaw Where & Why:
The concept is similar to the one that has been operating in Regina for a number of years as “Curl Regina”. With the new and exciting curling opportunities now available here, it makes this the right time to incorporate “Curl Moose Jaw” in The Friendly City. Potential Curl Moose Jaw
Involved Activities/Events:
- Sunday Youth League
- Elementary Youth League
- SCA Coaching Instruction
- PSSD & HTCSD Rocks and Rings Implementation
- Saskatchewan Women’s Curling Tour (SWCT)
- Men’s Saskatchewan Curling Tour (SCT)
- Southerns
- Q-Spiels
- Club/Region Playdowns
- Provincials
- Nationals
- Worlds
- Slam/Capital One Canada Cup
Curl Moose Jaw Funding & Finances:
With Youth Programming and hosting Major Events come additional responsibilities, funding requirements, and proceeds to be managed. Once an event has been determined a “Curl Moose Jaw” Event or Program the funding and finances would be handled as follows.
- Curl Moose Jaw would be a partner with The Moose Jaw Curling Centre and Temple Gardens Centre.
- As a responsible partner Curl Moose Jaw would work closely with the Curling Manager or Temple Gardens Centre personal as designated by the Temple Gardens Centre General Manager.
- Curl Moose Jaw would generate a local host committee and volunteers to run the SCA and CCA affiliated events.
- Curl Moose Jaw would establish a treasury and bank account with start up funds allocated from the SCA Junior Women’s Provincial Revenue.
- Establish protocol and procedures for payment/reimbursement/deposit processes.
- Financial reports to be sent from Curl Moose Jaw to Temple Gardens Centre personal designated by the Temple Gardens Centre General Manager on the 15th day of each month.
- Revenue generated through Curl Moose Jaw would come back into the Moose Jaw Curling Centre/Temple Gardens Centre via youth and other curling development initiatives, capital improvements, and equipment for the curling facility.